mjkendrew 16th January 2012

Grant lit up every day of my life and all the people he came in contact with he mad feel so special. We were all so blest to have had him in our lives but for myself Grant did so much to bring me joy the big smile on his face when he went to school and gave me a pine cone to look after as he was not there and i my miss him so i just had to look at the pine cone and think of him. I found a pine cone in the garden just after Grand died so now when I miss Grant I just hold it and it mack me feel a little better. Grant always loved the see when we lived in Hartlepool he wood love to go to the beach and look in all the rock pools if he found anything he would chase me with it even if it was just see weed and he would be laughing all the time. All these little things mad Grant the most wonder full son and to Erin a brother we will always love him and miss him but we have the best memories any one could ever have