Grant Kinnie Our Shining Star

Created by Elizabeth 13 years ago
Grant Kinnie aka Prince Harry, Golden child, Moroccan Sunset, Snuggles..Grant was born on a snowy day in January 1986, the apple of his mums eye. She spent all her time with Grant taking him out walking everywhere or on a back of her bike. Grant was a shining star from a small age, always loving the thrill of extreme sports, from only 14 months he was riding down the stairs on his bike. He started walking early and I'm sure I was told he actually was running before walking (I will have to get that confirmed). Everyone who knows Grant even if they just met him once would know what a happy go lucky guy he was, always smiling and ready with a joke to tell. If he wasn't tellin them he was sending them on text just to brighten up our days... Everytime I saw him he would enter with this huge beaming smile that took away any troubles I may have had instantly he would lift me with his energy. I best summed him up when I called him Tigger so bouncy and fun. Grant loved life and loved people he loved being around everyone and would chat to anyone and everyone. I remember back in July Grant and I was sitting outside he had his guitar and was singing to me as he did and two guys came and asked if they could listen he of course said 'sure' even though he didnt want to play infront of them. The next day he saw them out and he stopped and chatted with them found out their life story and where they were going next. That was Grant he always took an interest in everybody he met. His mum summed it up really well she said, "Most people collect stamps, Grant collects people." How true that was. Grant was a family man, he often would talk to me about how he loved his family. He used to say how he was the man he was beacuse of his mum. He used to tell me when he had been home for a couple of days how he would sit with his mum and sister and how they would joke with him and tease him. Erin to Grant was the best sister in the world that anyone could ever have, he doted on her. He used to sit with me and tell me how he loved going home spending time with her and Harrison, their little sleepovers full of laughs and jokes. I only got to see that a couple of times really but seeing that once was enough to know the bond they had. I didn't even need to see it, from the time he first spoke about Erin which I think was an hour after I met him I could tell the love he had for his little sister, then their was little Harrison (mini Grant) I first met Harrison through hearing him not seeing him.. he was shouting 'GRANT!!!' as he was coming down the street whilst we were in the house and Grant turned around to me and said so proudly 'Thats Harrison' he said it with the biggest smile and excited tone in his voice. Grant was the proud uncle, he was more than that he was like to Erin not only a brother but a father figure. He took care of his family he took care of them with love. Grant was special he had this sparkle, a shine that brighten up anything he touched and though we all miss him and the void will never be filled no one could ever take away that feeling of love we all felt with him or the memories we all have of him. Sleep well my love. x

